California Spanish Missions

Spanish Missions of California

California Missions is an online resource to inform about the twenty-one beautiful Spanish missions that line the State of California. From San Diego to Sonoma, each historical mission has a colorful two-hundred-year-old story to tell. Our goal is to educate …

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Early Hardships in San Diego

Early Hardships in San Diego

The first Spanish soldiers and missionaries of Alta California endured many hardships since their arrival in San Diego. The first settlement on Presidio Hill was a mere hospital camp where most of the early colonizers perished from scurvy and other …

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California, The Golden State

California The Golden State

Named after a fabled island in “The Deeds of Esplandian” by Montalvo… written in 1500. The romantic epochs of California history parade before us in picturesque array… the conquistador, the cowled monk, the trapper, miner, emigrant and the state builder; …

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Spanish Missions Founded in Alta California

California Missions Timeline

Stretching from San Diego to Sonoma, the twenty-one beautiful missions that line the state of California remind us of our nation’s past. Under the Spanish king Charles III, plans were made to extend the Spanish domain into Upper California. Sea …

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California Missions Resources

Resources related to the Old Missions

San Diego de Alcalá Mission Basilica San Diego de AlcaláMission San Diego de Alcalá HistoryThe Presidio of San Diego in 1790 – San Diego History Center San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo Mission San Carlos Borromeo (Carmel Mission Basilica)Carmel Mission Foundation …

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Reyno de la Nueva Espana a Principios del Siglo XIX by A. G. Cubas

California Missions Maps

California Missions by Claude G. Putnam Author: Putnam, Claude GeorgeDate: 1949Short Title: California MissionsPublisher: Wm. L. NewmanPublisher Location: Glendale, Calif.Type: Separate MapFull Title: California Missions. By Claude G. Putnam. Published and copyrighted by Wm. L. Newman. Glendale, Calif. – 1949.Pub …

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